Thursday, July 23, 2015

Power of a Praying Parent

I recently purchased the book "The Power of a Praying Parent" by Stormie Omartian. And I am so glad I did!
I will be the first to admit that I'm not always the best about praying regularly. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. It's something I am working on, so I thought I would pick up this book and see what it was all about. I am only halfway through, but I have learned so much about praying not only for my children, but just prayer in general. Here are a few quotes from the book:

"When we pray for our children, we are asking God to make His presence a part of their lives and work powerfully on their behalf......our prayers are never lost or meaningless. If we are praying, something is happening, whether we can see it or not......All that needs to happen in our lives and the lives of our children cannot happen without the presence and power of God. Prayer invites and ignites both......At every stage of their lives our children need and will greatly benefit from our prayers......don't ever underestimate the power of a praying parent."

There are so many things to worry about when it comes to our children. Am I right? Just to name a few worries on my mind, I worry about Ryan starting kindergarten and being exposed to bad influences, I worry about Lucas' aggression and how he will handle it as he grows bigger, and I am worrying about an upcoming doctor appointment to check on a health concern I have with Jenna. One way to handle worry is through prayer. It helps us to release the power over to God and take the burden of worrying off of ourselves.

As I read through this book I am getting so many ideas of things to pray about for Ryan, Lucas and Jenna. I am praying for their future spouses, their health, their hearts, and their future relationships with God. Each chapter in the book focuses on a specific topic and then guides you through a prayer, inserting your child's name.

I wanted to share this book with you all because I feel like it's the kind of book I will read over and over. There will always be something to pray about as a parent! Have any of you read it?


  1. Hey again Stephanie! I have the power of a praying wife. I've gone through it SO many times in the paSt 6 years. I was just thinking about this book, and the study guide. Thanks for the positive review and reminder. ;) praying for you!

  2. Hey again Stephanie! I have the power of a praying wife. I've gone through it SO many times in the paSt 6 years. I was just thinking about this book, and the study guide. Thanks for the positive review and reminder. ;) praying for you!
